it's just not FAIR

23 June 2004 || 4:33 pm

God dammit.

For those of you who remember, I taught a violin lesson a while back, last winter, to a fifth-grade girl who was having some trouble. She liked me and her mother did, too, and I was excited since I was doing something good and helping someone understand music and even making some money.

Anyway, the girl was having so much trouble that she decided to switch to the clarinet. I'd had one lesson with her. So much for that.

So, anyway, the rest of the year goes by, no one calling for lessons, no one interested, no need for me.

Finally Mrs. Orchestrateacher tells me she's got a girl in 5th grade who is just flying. Really doing well, understands it, enjoys it, et cetera. She wants lessons this summer, I'm told.

The mother calls me. I call her back. I wait, and wait, and wait. And wait. And wait some more. My father tells me they're probably no longer interested, since they haven't called back yet.

One day, a call on the answering machine. I call back. A miracle! - someone actually answered the phone. We set up a lesson for today at four.

I wait. She arrives a little late. Oh well, maybe they had trouble finding my house. Not likely, but possible.

I teach the lesson. The girl is a little quiet, doesn't give much indication as to whether she wants to be there or not. Whatever. We work on staccato, on dynamics, and on keeping the bow straight on long bow strokes.

After a half an hour, I am exhausted.

We pack up our instruments, she goes and gets her mother. I am told that Mrs. Orchestrateacher has an opening to teach this summer, after all. She starts with her in two weeks. Maybe they'll come next week for a lesson in between.The mother will "give me a buzz."

That's two students I've only had one lesson with.

Whenever I teach, I must throw the cosmic balance completely off whack.

The gods are not with me, here.

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