my grandma

20 June 2004 || 1:49 pm

Oh my god.

My father brought home the scrapbook that my Grandpa made when my grandmother died ten years ago.

My grandmother was a pretty great person. There are a ton of articles in here about her big breakthrough story. She was an investigative reporter, and discovered this huge kiddie-porn ring in Michigan which led to new legislation there. She was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in the late '70s because of the story.

My Grandma lived on cigarettes and Coca-Cola. She had terrible emphysema and died at the age of 59.

I guess what was the biggest surprise to me was the letters she wrote at the end. One was a note to her family telling us how much she loves us. About her granddaughters, she wrote, "who says we never won the lottery!"

The other letter was a suicide note.

I never knew.

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