Pity Me

27 June 2004 || 8:36 pm


I'm in a very depressed mood. Very.

I'm stuck, once again, dripping in self-pity.

As I'm sure I've mentioned before, Natalie Merchant is touring this summer. I've known about this since April, but put off buying tickets since I didn't want to spring it on people in APRIL, "Hey, so-and-so, can you go with me to Massachusettes in JULY/AUGUST?!?!"

Only now anyone who said s/he might consider going with me doesn't want to spend the money, and anyone who actually sort of wanted to go isn't going to be here AND doesn't want to spend the money. And everyone else doesn't want to go OR spend the money.

So now I can't go.

I'd considered trying to egg my father's girlfriend-type-person on, since that's her kind of music, considering the fact that her ex used to be in 10000 Maniacs.

But I can't do that, I'm too good of a person to make a poor unsuspecting adult pay $50 to drive me over state lines to go to a concert.

It's just really upsetting, because I really wanted to go, and I realize that this is stupid and petty and I'll have completely forgotten about it in a few years.

I'm sure there'll be many more opportunities to go. I'm planning on going to school in the city, she'll be there if she ever tours again, which she's bound to, right? Right???

Like I said, this sucks.

I really want to go.

Anyone want to go with me?




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