I have found true love...

24 November, 2002 || 9:56 pm

Let me start out by saying this: God Bless Merrick.

Why? For needing a new viola, and (therefore) selling his old one. I may be in love. With a viola.

And (Joy'll find this interesting) part of the reason he was so loud is because of the instrument. The bridge was specially made with larger holes to produce more sound, and there is a 200-year-old sound post inside. Needless to say, this viola kicks ass. I just put it away, for fear of drooling on it. I will probably dream of violas, tonight. Like I said, I am in love. With a viola.

Sigh, *it's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely...*

Hmmm....what else? (Did I mention?) This weekend has been fantastic. And, yes, I do know I've mentioned already, but it needs to be said again. I had a fantastic weekend. (And, really, it's all a few people's faults.....but I won't mention them, especially not one in particular, *coughcoughBencoughcough*)

Damn AIM deleted my Buddy List, and I'm pissed. Hopefully it'll be back tomorrow, as I don't feel like re-typing it all out, again...(ooh, yes, all 8 of you...)

*Yawn* I've gotten very little sleep this weekend, I've been online past one Friday and Saturday, and there's school tomorrow, followed by pit until 6 - (yuck) (but with a glorious viola), so it's okay. I have a global test and a bio test, Tuesday, along with pit until 6, but I have to leave at 5:30 because I have a viola lesson at 6, until 7. So, Usuals, if we're doing anything Tuesday night, before Eileen leaves us, I'm free after 7:30.

Goodnight, all...I love and appreciate you.

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