Wit a li'le bit o' bloomin' luck....

26 October, 2002 || 11:35 am

I slept remarkably well, last night, which is amazing, considering how tired I was, last night. Usually when I'm really really tired, I sleep like crap, and I wake up drowsy with a headache. But not last night yay-rah!!

Mum and I are going to get pumpkins today, and birthday cards. Oh, great, my father's now decided we're all going to go out, and make this a "family day." *Sonnuvabitch*

So, I was looking at mine and Eileen's school pictures from this and last years, and (maybe it's just me, of course), but I think we look a hell of a lot older. Granted, we are a year older, but usually I can't really look and say, "why, yes, I do look older this year..."

And that was Emily's random observation of the day.

Nobody's online, now, and I feel like talking to someone. And I don't feel like doing my math homework.

YAY, Eileen's on! Ta-ta, y'all...

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