It's a major award!!!

25 October, 2002 || 11:39 pm

So, who had fun tonight?

(I did!! I did!!)

Bowling is fun when you win. Teehee. It's also more fun when random black people don't call you Barbara. I'm going to be exhausted, tomorrow, what with lying in bed (in the dark) with Ben, Eileen, and Chris, tonight, and then Hamida's shin-dig tomorrow night. *Sleepy sigh*

Oh, and by the way, Darling and Chris-chris - it's either "precede" or "proceed." I (being the smart, goodna-head, Queen) looked it up. Ahh, the joys of


I'm really quite sleepy, but my 'rents are still up, and I don't want to go to bed before them, because I'm not used to going to bed before them, as they're usually asleep by 10:30, and I'm usually not out of the shower until 10:35. I'll stay up until midnight, just another 15 minutes, and then I'll go upstairs. I'm at the point, now, where my eyes hurt, my legs hurt, my head is pounding, and I keep typing the wrong keys, causing much confusion. But I am odd, so I'm not going to bed, yet. Don't ask me why, damn you, I'm just not.

GOD, why doesn't my father understand the concept of PRIVACY, ie. I don't want him blippin' reading my entry over y shoulder as I am writing it. I know, by putting my thoughts online, they are open to anyone reading them, but if someone specifically asks you not to go to their site, you should respect that. That's why so many people have disclaimers on their diaries. I don't have one, because I figure the likelyhood of someone I don't want reading this (other than my parents) actually finding it are very slim.

Just arg, now.

And *yawn* again.

Emiwwy's sweepy...

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