I am the luckiest Queen in the world!!!

18 October, 2002 || 11:08 pm

I am so incredibly fucking lucky, you have NO IDEA. My 'rents went to this concert-thing that my dad had to sign at, tonight, and Mum gave me strict instructions to not stay out as late as usual (ie. 11). However, I did, anyway, but (lucky me!!) I just got home and the 'rents are still out getting drunk!! Woo-hoo!! Just yay-blippin-rah. *grin*

And, I had fun at the program, tonight, and at Chris's house, depite the fact I am slightly pissed at Hamida for lying, to her parents (though I do, too) and to me. Dammit, don't try to talk your way around it, Hamida, your mother said no going anywhere, or she wouldn't have been at the library to pick you up. And you lied to me. You could've just said you couldn't go. I'm really having a hard time trusting you, Hamida, as you seem to be much less mature than I'd thought. You need to work on being more responsible, which includes taking care of other people's belongings when you borrow them, and being fucking honest about things like whether you can go somewhere. If yuo totally hate me, but don't want to let me know, fine - you know - go ahead and pretend, but with something like asking permission to go somewhere...that's irresponsible, Hammy. What if Chris's mom had actually brought you back to Chris's house? Do you even realize how embarrassing that would've been for her? And how much worse it would've looked for you? Just arg.

But I am lucky, even thuogh I'm sleepy and have to get up early, tomorrow to take the PSATs. For those of you who've actually seen my fourth grade school picture...ask Ben to see his (or, rather, ask Chris to see Ben's). Just, just...yeah. He had Ralphie glasses. He he he.

Sigh...I think I'm going to put jimjams on, now, so if my parents come home I can look like I've been here a while...*good plan, Emily*

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