Concert, tonight...

17 October, 2002 || 9:42 pm

So, yeah, the concert was tonight. Blah, our orchestra sucks, I hate to say it, but it really really does. I got many compliments on my red shoes, which I think is fan-bloody-tastic. I just did my math homework, I should start biology, now. I have two labs due Monday, one was due a while ago, but she never actually gave us a due date, and our group never handed it in. Which is why group labs suck ass. I might do a little bio, but not too much. I haven't eaten anything, since lunch, save a piece of chocolate (yumyum), and though I'm not really hungry at all, I have a headache from the lack of food. Or maybe it's from not getting enough sleep.

As my grandma says, you know, I'm her grand-daughter...(which somehow entitles me to more than 6 hours of sleep a night? Since when?) Other things my grandmother said tonight include: "gee, there aren't many blacks in this school, are there!?" and (during wind ensemble, mind you) "I don't see any trombones in this band!"

My Gawd.

Just My (blippin') Gawd.

There's a bunch of people online right now, but no one is talking to me. Damn them all. I IM'd Cathy, but she stopped responding. Frog-Boy was "tapdancing" tonight, and I found it rather scary. He was also not wearing socks. And had duct tape in his pants.

During the last band that played tonight, Ben and I went in the music room, and guess what, Jen - Mrs. Orchestrateacher let us close the door.


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