My little 4 paragraph entry at 12:30 in the morning...

02 September, 2002 || 12:33 am

Eileen's house is fun. Or, rather, Eileen's buning backyard is fun. And Alice in Wonderland is fun, too. Even though Disney leave out tons of fantabulous Lewis Carroll genius. But whatever. I'm okay. I can deal.

What movie y'all want to see? We're thinking My Big Fat Greek Wedding just because there really is nothing else worth seeing. Don't give me lip about "we've seen it already," Eileen, because I'm paying for you, so there.

The banner at the top of the page looks like the "Gold!" banner, but it says "Monkeys!" which is not at all as clever as the "Mold!" banner, which I finally did see.

School starts way too soon. I just thank God it starts on a Thursday, because then there's only two days before a weekend, rather than 3. Or 4 or 5. But whatever.

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