Going to get to 300...even if it kills me...

25 August, 2002 || 2:12 pm

I just realized that if I continue to update on a regular basis, I will have 300 entries by the time my 1 year Diaryland anniversary comes around on September 26. I'll really have to update every day, but I think I can do it.

Jen has tons of time before her 1 year, but then again, she sits in front ofthe computer all day with sometimes nothing better to do than update about The Mouse and the stupidity of patrons.

It's a good thing I'm a Library Teen, or I'd be offended by all the dissing of Patrons that goes on. After all - technically I, too, am one.

But whatever, I'm sidetracked - it is my goal to reach 300 entries by September 26. This is my 279th entry, which means 21 entries to go.

Holy crap. I don't even have to update every day. It's not even September yet. Hey, hey. What now.

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