sigh (v.) - To exhale audibly in a long deep breath, as in weariness or relief.

11 August, 2002 || 8:26 pm

I just got back from a crap wedding with people I don't know, I had a very strange balding fat man put his chin on my shoulder, I had to explain to a woman with that good old tobacco voice that, no, I am 15 years old, I don't go to Columbia University, I have another headache, Julia Child is on Emeril and her voice is really annoying, and I'm just pissed off right now.

I wanted to go shopping on tuesday, but we can't go until Thursday, I have two viola lessons this week, one tomorrow and one Thursday, because I'm not going to be around next Thursday.

I am looking forward to tomorrow, though, because (hopefully) it will be fun.

And now Ben has mentioned cheesy vomit and naked Keith to me, so isn't that just great, I think I'm going to be sick...

Sigh. I'm just so very ugh right now.

Ben - you will never be reduced to the mental stage of the SG. Your dad has no interest in you sexually, and that has got to have contributed to the whole personality problem...

I really do want to write more right now, but I can't. I'm just too weird now. Maybe tomorrow I'll be back to my usual sparkling self.

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