The things I do for a trip to the mall...

04 August, 2002 || 12:03 am

Ugh. Well, am I ever glad it's noon. got up about 9 today, ate and was showered by 10, when my mother told me that we would be going to the mall today sometime around noon. You can imagine the happiness I felt, as I really do need to go shopping. I used up all the paper in my journal last week, so need a new one of those, I have a gift certificate for $17 for The Silver Parrot (yay - Chris understands my joy), and there is a skirt I need (yes, folks - I do need it...) at Cohoes. Unfortunatly, it is also $140, and my mum has decided that a 15 year old girl should not be spending $140 on a skirt, even if it is her own money. So, we're going to look at the skirt and I will take measurements so I can then make the skirt. Whatever - it'll take me maybe an afternoon to make, and be a hell of a lot cheaper. And I'll still get the same thing. Yay.

However, my mother then proceded to tell me that, in order for us to go shopping, I had to help with the housework. Damn. So, for the past two hours, I have been vacuuming, mopping, dusting et cetera.

And I have to go now....ta-ta, dearies!

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