La La La - A boring entry...

05 August, 2002 || 1:15 pm

It is really far too hot to think. My mum should be home any second now to take me to my doctor appointment. I hate doctors. Anyway, after that I'm going to the libraray (Jen's not there - poo) for my very last shift. Aren't you all so proud? Riiiight.

My cousin, Audrey, is coming for a visit this afternoon. She'll spend a week � chez moi and that is neat. I haven't seen her since last summer, but we were camping then. That's right - camping. Me. Emily. Camping. In a tent and everything. It was not what I'd call "fun" usually. (The night we went back to the house because it was pouring rain outside and then thought there was a serial killer outside waiting for us to sleep so he could come in and hack us all to little pieces was fun...)

Audrey will get here at "4:30." That's in quotes because I have never, in my life, seen Audrey get somewhere on time. Mum's bringing her to the library when she gets here.

And now Mum's here, so I must go - toodles!

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