Bleep Jersey....wait, fuck Jersey...bleep Canada!!

03 August, 2002 || 7:04 pm

Ha, ha!! I am so home!!!! You all have no idea how good it feels. I really thought I was going to kill myself if I had to spend another day in that house. Jo�lle's 'rents had a "discuaaion" with me almost every blippin' day about how "In a relationship between people, each person has to go halfway. You are not making the effort. What effort have you made to integrate into our lifestyle?? You don't tell us what you are thinking! You're like a treasure in a locked box...give us the key!! You are like a cake that is supposed to poof up but you didn't poof, you are very flat. We're disappointed in how you are not responding to what we're saying...blah, blah, blah..."

Oh, God. It was just awful. I hated it. I'd wake up in the morning and count down the hours until it was time to go back to bed. Luckily, I had my own "room" (I'll show the Usual Suspects pictures when I get them back) but still, it was just so bad. I called home Monday night practically in hysterics and told my parents they had to come and bring me home. It wasn't really even a language thing...everybody in the house could speak enough english for them to understand me if I wanted to talk, it's that all week long, I was put on the spot. Everything revolved in how Emily's acting, what Emily's saying, why isn't she doing what we thought she would???

I find out when I get there that Jo�lle's father has been reading the letters I sent her. And, although I didn't write anything to awfully personal, I found that a little disturbing. I mean, here I am, thinking I'm writing to make some sort of conection with another teen-aged girl, and it turns out I'm also making a connection with her middle-aged father? Maybe it's just me, but I think that's a little freaky. I was thinking that Jo�lle wanted to meet me, but it sotr of became apparent that it was her parent's idea for me to visit. They had this pre-formed mold they made that they thought was me, and they expected me to fit it immediately. Only it wasn't me. And the more they tried to shove me in, the less I was going to fit.

By Thursday her mother, Louise, just stopped talking to me. She'd say "hello" in the morning, but she didn't ask any questions and she shot me dirty looks at meals. It was so aggravating!!!!

Then, when my parents finally came, Jo�lle's 'rents had to sit down and talk for almost an hour about what a dissappointment I'd been, and how hard they tried to make me happy, and how little I had responded to them. The nerve! They couldn't just let it go!!! They had to be around all the time, I never got the chance to really even talk to Jo�lle at all.

We left their house about noon on Friday and went to Montreal. It was fun in Montreal. We went shopping, I got an awesome shirt...y'all can see it on Monday (I'm at the library from 4-6). We went to a great restaurant for dinner (which was even more great, after the "food" I'd been eating all week). After about a glass and a half of wine, I felt much better. They really should lower the drinking age in the US. It would allow for a less-stressed youth.

Ben, dear, I'm sorry the highlight of your vacation was watching tv in your room. However, the highlight of my week was reading the same book over and over and over... I had no tv. And if I did, it was in french. At least I know here, I WILL NOT HAVE TO HEAR FRENCH UNLESS IT IS FROM ONE OF MY FRIENDS AND THEY ARE COOL SO IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!!!

Sigh. Double sigh.

I plan to write Jo�lle a very nice thank-you note. I'm hoping I can make them feel guilty for treating me like scum the last few days I was there. We'll see.

Oh - an another thing? I finally get home, after a week of being away, an no one is online. Except Beth. So she is, from now on, Matt Cool-er than anyone else.

Email Me, People!!!!

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