Old underpants are good.

27 June, 2002 || 4:13 pm

Once again, I am hot. I also have no clean shorts. I was wearing pants until I dripped peach juice all over myself. (Hey! It was a juicy peach)! so now I am sitting in front of the computer (which is right in fronnt of a window...) in my new bra from The Gap and an old pair of underpants. Old because my inner womyn has decided to retaliate and shit out blood all over anything nice. Old underpants are good.

Very good.

OMG! I just realized! This is my 200th entry!! Ha Ha Ha Ha! All hail the almighty Diaryland Queen!!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I can now bask in the glory of having written 200 entries (and one in Alex's diary, too)!!!!! I AM A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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