Dreams and Cartoons

28 June, 2002 || 1:59 pm

Wow. So Jen gets a rose, freaks out because she knows MacMan didn't put it there, then finds out he did put it there. Wow. Just wow.

Sorry, for all of you who read my diary and have no idea what the hell I'm talking about (i.e. no one).

It's not as hot today, thank GOD. I had another bad dream last night. I won't bore you with the details, but It seems like I keep dreaming about going back to school or never seeing my friends again or having something tragic happen. I didn't get to sleep until about 2 because I was working on the banner for MI Designs that I get to have since Jen (who is cool) bought Eileen and I a gold membership for MI Designs, which is our diary template design site. I'm really excited abut the banner, but I have to wait to submit it until Eileen sees it. But then I woke up this morning at about 11:30 and I sobbed alll through my shower etc, because my dream was so depressing. And I had gotten blood all over my new pajama bottoms. And, yes, Eileen, I am soaking them in salt water.

Here's the banner:

So I'm watching the Cartoon Network, and they're playing a lot of patriotic cartoons. They played a Porky Pig cartoon in which Uncle Sam explained our nation's history to Porky. At the end Porky said the Pledge of Allegience, but he left out the line "under God". I wonder whether that was originally not there or if it was edited out after the recent controversy about the whether the Pledge is Constitutional or not.

But anyway, then they played a cartoon in which a bunch of ants went to war, then Bugs Bunny was fighting with that dude who goes "Where did he go, George, where did he go?"

Now it's Tom and Jerry and though I'm not really watching it, I can gather that it's a patriotic theme from all the American songs they're playing. They've played "Over There", "Red White and Blue", "Yankee Doodle", "Grand Old Flag", "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"....etc.

I wonder why. Is today some special day I'm not aware of? Yesterday was June 27, which doesn't make today July 4, unless I slept a lot longer than I meant to.

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