07 December, 2001 || 7:22 a.m.

Oh, Jen, Jen, Jen. Terribly sorry about the mouse. That is just so unbelievably bitchy. "Oh, no, I simply *can't* miss lunch with Mumsie-dearest! Dear me,

no - no - no - no! Heaven help me that I should miss lunch with my sweet Mumsie so my co-worker doesn't have to work her ass of to the point of becoming ass-less!" (& hungry, not to mention!)

Eileen, your hair looks *fantastic* daaahling! So glad things are going better for you. OH! What'd your parents say when you asked about the thing??

For those of you who don't know what the hell I'm talkin about, I will repeat the conversation between Eileen's parents below in toto as it was told to me:

-So'd you get that thing?

-What thing?

-You know, that thing at the thing!

-Oh, the thing! Yeah, I found the thing someplace cheaper.

How obvious is it that it's a Christmas present for Leeners?? How unbelievably obvious??

A Charlie Brown Christmas was on tv last night. I watched it (of course). *sigh*

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