Mrs. Mathteacher & a baby and Mr. Artteacher & Hitler

05 December, 2001 || 6:32 p.m.

I don't really have anything to say. Model Congress was fun, but not worth discussing. School was boring. I definatly think Mrs. Mathteacher is pregnant. One would have thought that she would have informed her students by now, as (at least to me) it is quite obvious that she will have to leave school in the spring to have her baby. She'd have to be 2 months pregnant to have the baby after school starts, but if you really look at her, she looks more than two months pregnant. Maybe she'll tell us after Christmas. I hope she's a more interesting mother than she is a teacher. She doesn't seem bad when she's talking to her "teacher-friends" and she IS *Mrs.* Mathteacher, so *someone* must have found her interesting. Maybe she hasn't told us because it's not *her* baby. Perhaps her sister and brother-in-law (or something like that. I mean, teachers *are* people...she's got to have *some* family...) maybe they can't get pregnant, so she's being a seregate mother. I realize I didn't spell "seregate" correctly, but I'm too lazy to look it up, and for the friends I have that don't understand it with that spelling probably don't know what it is. So maybe she's a seregate mother, which would certainly raise *my* opinion of her, as that is a *very* selfless, kind, caring, saint-like thing to do.

Oh, I forgot. Today in art we had to listen to Mr. Artteacher carry on about the next homework assignment due next week. Apparently cartooning is his specialty, which is the homework (suprise, suprise). So, anyway, Mr. Artteacher was carrying on about how we could do two characatures as a comparison. So some kid asked if we could draw a picture of Hitler next to one of Mr. Atteacher with a fake Hitler mustash, but Mr. Artteacher said "Where's the pun? No one will get it." And then about 5 or 10 kids called out "I do!" which I think is quite funny when you think about it.

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