sick day

11 December, 2001 || 4:04 a.m.

I haven't updated in 4 days. Terribly sorry. I don't feel like writing today. I feel like crapola. But that is better than it was this morning. You wouldn't believe how many times they show the *same* commertials over and over and over again on daytime tv. I don't even watch your typical crap tv, I watch the good stuff. TLC daytime. That's what I'm talkin about! What now, huh, what now?? Sorry. My senses are dulled. I'm walking around in a sickened stupor. Heyhey - use of vocabulary word - what now, Mrs.(bitch)Englishteacher.

Hahaha. Sorry. I'll stop now. Be back when i can process thoughts like a normal homosapian.

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