In which I complain about Mrs. Mathteacher and how it is going to be a Very Cold Evening

31 October, 2001 || 5:07 p.m.

I just finished reading Alex's most recent entry. For this entry, I had wanted to ramble on about school, Mrs. Mathteacher, Model Congress, and Halloween. however, as I just read Alex's entry and found it a bit depressing, I'd like to say something to her.

So, Alex, darling~

I am so sorry for anything you've been through in the past, and I just want you to know that I love you and you are a great friend. I want you to know that, although I can be a bitch sometimes, I would *never* *ever* hurt you intentionally. Call me *anytime* you need to. Or don't call me if you don't want to talk. Whatever.

Anyway, on to school today~

Our school does this stupid thing where they play songs over the intercom in between classes on holidays. So all day long today, we heard "The Monster Mash", "The Adam's Family Theme Song", The theme from "Psyco" et cetera.

Mrs. Mathteacher was being a real bee-och today. Okay, in her defence almost 10 kids in the class didn't do their homework and she was probably pms-ing (cuz you can't be *that* bitchy & not be pms-ing). But she was the only one of my teachers to assign homework tonight. Not only that, but she told us we had to do numbers 12-18 even and # 40-48 even, and # 20-38, but on 20-38 we just had to answer the problem, not do the graph. Well, I don't know if this occured to Mrs. Mathteacher, but it was IMPOSSIBLE to do the question without doing the graph, too. So that sorta pissed me off.

Model Congress was really fun today because Matt and Charlotte and that blonde chick w/ the ponytail weren't there. The proposed bill was to make it illegal to test products on animals unless "it benifitted humankind." Well, somehow it turned into a big argument about whether it's really *necessary* to test chap stick on animals. It was pretty funny. One kid was at the stand and while he was there he started unbuttoning his shirt and unbuckleing his belt. I said "Point of inquiry" and then asked "Does the speaker feel it is okay to undress in front of an audience?" It got a good laugh and then Sarah (who was laughing, too) said it was out of order. Then, as Eileen and I were leaving (we had to leave early) the speaker was talking about how, as long as companies aren't using people's pets, they should be allowed to test on animals. So I asked (after saying "Point of inquiry", of course) if the speaker felt it was okay to use domestic animals that were once pets to test chap stick on. HaHa.

Next topic....Oh! Halloween. Yeah, Halloween. Eileen is coming over at six and we're going trick-or-treating. Don't you dare say we're too old - it's free candy, for God's sake! It's really cold, though. There's a full moon tonight - first full moon on Halloween since 1955. However, living in upstate NY, it is cloudy. In fact - it snowed today. Yes, SNOWED. Not enough to stick, but still.


Okay, sorry. I still don't know what I'm going to be for Halloween. I was going to wear my mom's old spider costume, but I'm afraid it's going to be too cold for that. Perhaps I'll wear my purple sequin dress and my fur coat and be a movie star. I'll figure something out. I'm leaving now.


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