My Rather Hectic Day

23 October, 2001 || 2:39 p.m.

It seems like a lot has happened today. I'll go in cronological order.

I found out in homeroom today that two of my very good friends are going out. I should refrain from mentioning names, as what I have to say about the situation is not at all pleasant. However, as I only TWO of my friends even have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and those are the people I am talking about, and due to the fact that neither of them actually *have* accounts at, so they won't be looking p my diary anytime soon, I will begin my story from the begining, complete with names.

I found out today in homeroom that Mrageaux and Christopher Darling are going out. again. Margeaux said that Chris was mad at her for using him in the past and he said that she should stop taking him for granted, because he's "not always going to be there."

This upset Margeaux enormously because she has never had a guy tell her what a selfish, heart-breaking, guy-user she is. So she felt really bad about it and asked Christopher what he would do if she asked him out. Chris (using the brains he had then), said "I would say no, because I don't want you using me."

After that, Margeaux was even *more* upset, because even though she's got a reputation for breaking guys hearts, I don't think she's ever *really* been turned down before. (She'd argue about Nick, but he doesn't count -her asking him out was like fishing in the air. I would almost never happen in, like, a ka-gillion years.)

So Margeaux apologized for what she did in the past and told Christopher to think about it for a few minutes and tell her what he wanted. Well, five minutes later, Chris (now's the part where he loses the authority of being called "darling") askes Margeaux out. She claims that she's going to be more considerate because "now she knows he's not always going to be there," but I doubt she'll make any more of an effort. That's the problem with Chris - he knows being with Margeaux isn't good for him, and yet he does it anyway. Margeaux at least sub-consiously, *knows* he'll come back to her if she wants him too. Thta's the really sad part.

I vote we get Alex to ask Christ out. Alex won't use Chris and then throw him out like yesterday's business. Plus, (don't tell Margeaux I said this) but Alex is more fun to be with that Margeaux is.

For instance, Eileen and I find great joy in making fun of The Farmer. It is one of our most favourite past-times. We are now unable to do so when Margeaux is present. She will yell at us and say "You guys, stop it. I feel really bad for (the farmer). Don't make fun of him. He just tries too hard." Now, maybe to you, oh kind-hearted reader, this seems like very good advice. However~ you simply do not know The Farmer. If you did, you would see where I am coming from. Even I, a loser umong losers, have not mastered the art of loserness to the extent that he has.

It is not often that I use the word "loser" as a derrogatory term, however to every rule there is an exception, and The Farmer is no exception. Actually, he *is* the exception, but anyway - back to why Margeaux has pissed me off recently.

The other reason for this sudden case of Anti-Margeaux-ness is because recently, she has been a snot. I hate using that word, but it's a good one for the context. She is so uptight and GRRRRRRR. Sorry. She just makes me angry.

New subject.

Our sub today in Science was being a totally stupid JERK. We had to determin the luminosity (I love this word - luminosity) of Polaris from a chart. According to the chart, Polaris was located almost halfway between 100 and 10,000. The sub said that the luminosity was 500. YEAH - *THAT'S* the halfway point between 100 and TEN THOUSAND!!!!!!

Now I'm even more angry. New subject.

We have really good songs in orchestra. We're doning "Mother Ginger" from The Nutcracker Suite, and a piece called "Drifen," but it's pronounced "Driven." It's just spelled with Olde Englishe. haha. We also got our Suburban Council audition music today. Suburban Council is an orchestra that high school students can participate in. Last year I was 2nd Chair. Ha!

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