My agenda for the Week

21 October, 2001 || 9:39 p.m.

Well. I feel like I haven't written in a while. And it's probably because I haven't written in a while. I just read Alex's diary and it is rather funny. Just so you know - her quotes are not original. "You're only a loser if you're bothered by your own loserness" is *MY* quote, thank you very much. The other quote, "If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off" is from "PhoenixChild" She is very funny. Go read her diary. But not before you finish reading mine. lol. *smirk*

Although I must say that Alex makes a very good point. Except in her case the loserness comes from the maternal side of the family, in my case - it's from my dad. Alex's point is that if her mom was a super-loer, and she is just a loser, maybe her kids will only be partial losers. And MAYBE her grand-kids won't be losers at all.

However, I don't know about you, but I have *loser pride* I like who I am and I'll be damned if I'm going to change so I'm not seen as a loser. (oh, no! not a loser!) I think being a loser is pretty darn fun, once you get over that "ewwwwww, losers are icky" stage.

I have a pretty busy week this week. Tomorrow I'm staying after school for the Freshman newspaper, Tuesday my mom has her next chemo treatment, so I'll probably be a *little* stressed. Wednesday is Model Congress, which is a TON of fun. I don't think anythink is happening on Thursday, but Friday I am going to help Alex and Lee decorate the library for a Halloween party for little kids. Saturday morning is Margeaux's Bat Maitzvah, and Saturday night is Hamida's birthday party. Sunday I'm still going to be at Hammy's house (it's a sleep-over), even though it's "bring-a-friend day" at church. But I brought Eileen to church with me today, so I just did it a week early. Sunday night is SSYO, which is at Schenectady next week! (yay! No driving all the way to Saratoga!)

And Monday, is, yes - school again. Funfunfun.

I really ought to go to bed now - It's almost 10. SHUT UP THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK IT'S STUPID TO GO TO BED AT 10:00!!!!!!! I get tired, okay? This has seemed like a long weekend. But not too long. I vote we lengthen the weekend to include Mondays. Two days is simply not enough for a weekend.

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