Library on a Friday night? When you're a Loser - yes.

19 October, 2001 || 5:25 p.m.


My mother is back in the hospital. She went for bloodwork yesterday and her Potassium level was low so she went back to have her blood drawn again and the potassium level is even lower today, so they brought her into the hospital to watch her. Gory to God. Apparently, one's potassium level can affect one's heart, and we don't want Mum getting a heart attack. Wouldn't that just be the icing on the cake.

I'm going to the library for a pizza party tonight. In case you didn't know, this past week has been "Teen Read Week" across the country, and I participated in "Teen Read Week" at my library, so I get to go to the pizza party. It will be fun. Woooooeeeee!

Last night was our school concert of which I informed you about yesterday. Christopher Darling, my best guy-friend, came to see me make a fool of myself. A friend of mine, Dana, who also plays the viola, made a most interesting comment about the orchestra's playing ability. She said it is amazing that we both sucked and blew.

So, anyway, Christopher Darling came to hear me play, as did Eileen, Mrageaux and Hamida. Well, Christopher Darling smells and tastes (let's not go there) like applesauce. It is a most funny thing. It's also very nice, because Christopher Darling is a Darling, as stated in his name. So, therefore, whenever I (or one of my friends) is feeling upset, we can eat (or smell) applesauce, because it is like having Christophe Darling there wih us.

Chrsitopher Darling will also be at the library tonight, not because he loves to read, but because he loves Alex (who is a girl, just FYI. It is Margeaux, not Christopher Darling, who goes for members of the same sex.) Anyway - Christopher Darling will be joing our little pizza party tonight so he can stare at Alex all night.

Unfortunatly for him, Eileen and I won't let him stare at Alex all night because we will be too busy flirting with him. When you have a guy friend as cool as Chris, you do not pass up an opportunity to flirt. Now, the flirting is all in good taste, mind you. There is no interest in Christopher Darling other than as a friend. Of course, when in a place where noone knows us, Christopher Darling becomes the fat Italian kid with whores. The whores being - yes - you guessed it - Eileen Margeaux, Hamida and Yours Truly. Now - I must run - Eileen is here to take me to the pizza party at the library.

My God - the library on a Friday Night. Yes, yes - I told you I was a loser.

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