So, a viola walks into a bar and....

18 October, 2001 || 5:43 p.m.

Wellwellwell. Guess what happened today?? The answer is.......................... ...................................................................................not much!!! There is a concert tonight for the school orchestra and band. I will be there, of course, because I play the viola. The viola, if you don't know, is much like the violin, except it is bigger, tuned a fifth lower and is the butt of many jokes.

A typical viola joke: What is the range of a viola? As far as you can throw it!

Yes, yes, that's a very sad joke. Want to know something even sadder? I didn't make it up. Someone else made a joke worse that some of mine. It's a miracle! Call in the marines! (anchors away, my boys, anchors away! - oh wait - that's the navy, not the marines - ooops)

Seeing on how I'm boring everyone to tears, I'm leaving now. Ta-Ta!!

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