My Pathetic-ness

17 October, 2001 || 4:46 p.m.

Well here I am sitting in front of the computer, all ready to write an inspiring entry that will change how the world think, feels, or acts.

However, just as I am about to write this miraculous personal narrative, what shoud ring, but the phone! ha. It was Eileen, who has informed me that she and my other mother (her mom) will pick me up at 5:30 to go underwear shopping.

You think your life is pathetic? Try mine. I am actually excited about going underwear shopping. How sad. How very very sad.

On a slightly more interesting note (if you find really really boring things slightly interesting), I read a good book today. It is called "Fever: 1793' and it is written by a favourite author of mine, Laurie Halse Anderson. She is now an even more of a favourite author now, because now I've read more than one of her books. ha. She also wrote "Speak", of which I am most fond.

I learned something really funny yesterday. About a year ago, Eileen and I went to a book discussion group at the library where we met this really annoying British kid.

Though I have absolutly nothing wrong with people from England, he was rather fun to make fun of. We told him that just because he spelled words with a few extra u's it didn't make him better than us. I, personally, have nothing against spelling words the British way. In fact, you may have noticed, I rather like spelling with English-English, rather than American-English.

So anyway, on to the funny part (which you (the reader) will probably not find the least bit funny, but I did, so maybe it was one of those "you had to be there" things). Eileen and I found out yeaterday that the kid really isn't British. In fact, he lives in Rensselaer. Now, I don't know if you know where Rensselaer is, or even if I've spelled it right. I can never remember if it's got two n's or two s's or what. But let me tell you - it was funny that this kid was from Rensselaer, because not only was he not born in England, he'd never *been* to England, and he wasn't even English. Pretty funny, huh?

*crickets chirp in background*

Okay, so maybe it wasn't funny. The least you could do is force a laugh.

*various fruits and vegetables are thrown*

Okay - fine! Be that way! I never really liked you anyway!!

Alright. I'll stop now. I forgive you. After all, loserness is in the eye of the loser. And in this instance (like many others), I'm the loser.

Heyheyhey - 69 days until Christmas! He-ey - ho-o - he-ey - ho-ho-ho!!!

I'm going to go now. I'll relieve you of your having to sit there listening (okay - yur not *really* listening, but w/e) to me ramble on incoherantly. I'll be back later (much to your dismay).

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