How many snow-balls..........

16 October, 2001 || 6:22 p.m.

I am SO UNBELIEVABLY TIRED. (and i'm still bored from yesterday). I stayed after school today for art (we have to to self portraits & I guess I work slow - lol).

Anywhatsit - I stayed after for art with Mr. Heilman (does anyone besides me find it funny that a guy named *Heil*man seems like a nazi??) and I had a nice, civilized conversation with George.

We were arch-rivals in 5th grade for some stupid reason (he's smarter than I am & we both know it), but I talked to the kid today after school about the IDIOT kids in my art class. Period 8 (that's me) is no longer allowed to use Exacto-knives because some JERK stole one from the classroom. smooth. really smooth.

Eileen said something REALLY REALLY STUPID today at lunch. Okay, okay - she says really stupid things every day, but this was quite funny. We were talking about our friend Jill and Eileen said "yeah - I heard some guy knocked her off her socks." Of course here I am visualizing Jill standing in socks and some guy knocking her *off* the socks - with the socks still standing there after she's gone. Wow. Pretty sad, huh?

To finish my story - after I stayed after for art, Eileen and I walked over to the public library to hang out with Jen, the YA librarian. Eileen and I spend *most* of our free time at the library - as I think I've mentioned, we are dorks. Or dweebs. Or nerds. Or losers. Or whatever dorky dweeby nerdy loser-ish term you have for it.

So the moral of the story is that Alex sleeps like Jesus Christ, and Jen, Lee, Alex, and Nick all know how many snowballs it takes to make a snow-baby. *smirk* he-he-he.

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