I'm A Broccoli!!!!!

16 February, 2002 || 7:22 p.m.

I'm a broccoli! I'm introverted but always try to be more outgoing. I'm sort of dim on the outside but inside I'm really a good person and always trying to fit in. Even though a lot of people don't like me, they really do learn to love me!

Take the Vegetable Quiz by Krysten!

Pretty cool, huh? A broccoli. There was one question, do you consider yourself nice, and I was debating whether to chose "only to those who know me" or "bah, humbug, go stick your head in a toilet." I eventually decided on the former, but it was a tough choice.

So I got my bikini wax today (ie. the painful procedure) and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Besides having some young airhead put hot wax on me, rub a piece of cloth onto me and rip it off with all the hair in my crotch, it was fine!!! Okay, really it wasn't that bad, no worse than ripping off a really stuck on self-adhesive-bandage-strip (I don't use brand name bandage strips). What bothers me is that I'm really red. (Shut Up, Eileen - my SKIN is red!!) The lady said it would be better by tomorrow, but it doesn't look any less red.

And I just shaved my legs, so from my butt down I look great, very hairless. It's marvy except for all the red bumpy-ness. But you don't need to hear about that. Even though you already did.

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