my day at the doctor...grand

10 August 2004 || 1:51 pm

Aw, man, you'd think something would go right.


I think I have a yeast infection. It sucks. I finally called my GYN and went in today. I'm thinking, "oh, okay, she'll take a look at me, maybe send a Q-Tip to a lab to verify, and give me something to make it all go away."

Yeah, not so fast, bucko.

First off, my appointment was at 11, and I got home at 1:45! That's like, almost 3 hours! Just to go to the girly doctor!

I had to wait forever, I finally get in to see her, and she tests me for:

a) yeast infection

b) HERPES of all things!

and then I'm forced to wait an hour to go across the hall to get blood drawn to be tested for

c) lyme disease


Who would have thought things would be so difficult?! I'm perfectly healthy, wtf?

AND if all of my tests come back negative, I have to go back in and they have to take a biopsy! A motherf***in' BIOPSY!


This day has just not been cool.

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