my happenin' fella...*cough*

13 June 2004 || 10:47 pm

It's Sunday night, do you know where your father is?

Mine is on his second date of the weekend with the same woman. Not wanting to reveal who she is, we'll call her F. She has two kids, one is 6, the other just turned 5 (for those of you who heard otherwise, blame my father for being frickin' illiterate). She is 34 and likes older men, which is pretty good for my dad, since at 50, he falls into that category.

They went out to dinner Friday night, and then after dinner, tonight, my father asked me if I minded if he went out. Now, my father will, occasionally, go out on the weekend to get a drink at the old Brown Derby, but usually not on a Sunday. He's a grown man, I don't really care if he goes out or not, but it being a Sunday and a school night and all, I ask him where he's going.

"I'm going to go see F" he says.

Yeah, he's going to her house, all the way out in not really close to here, and I don't want to think about what they could be doing.

Anyway, maybe my father will have a girlfriend, soon. Who knows. She seems nice enough...

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