Who knew I could have fun with a bunch of Republicans??

11 January, 2003 || 11:15 pm

I had so much fun, this weekend. I never thought in a million years that I'd have so much fun with six Republican high school senior males. It was Mr. K (ie. "Special K" or "Special Ed"), me, Eileen, Siegmann, Woodward (Woody), Phil, Joe, Fake, and what's-his-name. There were a bunch of schools there, and we (The Columbia High School) kicked ass. I was an observer, which means I didn't get to vote or debate, but GOD, it was fun. Thursday night we got there and went to the "emergency debate" where we debated some idiotic bill about allowing the American public to vote on going to war. The way the bill worked, if we got the living shit bombed out of us, we'd have to wait 36 hours for a vote of these idiots that live in America to vote on whether we should retaliate. Woodward got up there and took the mic off the stand and was strolling around making fun of all the idiots who'd gotten up to speak, earlier. By noon on Saturday, everyone hated him, mainly because he's smarter than just about everyone else.

Mr. K brought a woman up to his room, Fake (who weighs over 300 pounds) coughs up part of his lung after laughing, and the boys stayed in our room until 2 am throwing an entire box of mini powdered donuts at each other (and us) and throwing donuts and bars of soap (and anything else they could find) out the window.

Some people are incredibly stupid (Delagate 48 should DIE!!) while others just plain annoying, like that damn latino girl. Just shut the fuck up! Nobody gives a rat's ass that you're a bloody minority! This is America, dammit!!!

And the really really stupid pricks award goes to......OKEMO MOUNTAIN!!


It's fun to have a mountain of empty soda cans while dropping rubber balls from the 11th floor into the lobby while completely socially inept people dance to crappy music in the other room.


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