Cole Porter love songs...yes, I'm *that* emotional...

06 January, 2003 || 10:50 pm

"Do I love you, do I?
Doesn't one and one make two?
Do I love you, do I?
Does July need a sky of blue?
Would I miss you, would I
If you ever should go away?
If the sun should desert the day,
What would life be?
Will I leave you, never?
Could the ocean leave the shore?
Will I worship you forever?
Isn't heaven forevermore?
Do I love you, do I?
Oh, my dear, it's so easy to see.
Don't you know I do,
Don't I show you I do,
Just as you love me..."

*Sigh* - yes, I'm quite in an Ella Fitzgerald/Cole Porter mood, tonight. I'm listening to th three incredibly wonderful (and sappy) love songs on this cd, over and over. Do I Love You?, Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye, and All of You.

"Everytime we say goodbye, I die a little,
Everytime we say goodbye, I wonder why a little,
Why the gods above me, who must be in the know,
Think so little of me - they allow you to go.
When you're near, there's such an air of spring about it,
I can hear a lark somewhere, begin to sing about it.
There's no love song finer,
but how strange the change from major to minor,
Everytime we say goodbye."

"I love the looks of you,
The lure of you,
The sweet of you,
The pure of you.
The eyes, the arms, the mouth of you,
The east, west, north, and the south of you.
I'd like to gain complete control of you,
And handle even the heart and soul of you.
So love at least a small percent of me, too...
For I love all, all of you."

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