
02 January, 2003 || 10:46 pm

This is mainly a biology entry. It is the root of all known and unknown evil, and I hate it with every fiber of my being. Our last test, we took the day before Christmas vacation. I studied, really studied. Reviewed all the vocabulary, worked through all the activities on the "Interactive Study Partner," the whole she-bang. I felt like I did rather well, there were several questions I knew I had reviewed, and gotten them correct. We got our tests back, today. I failed. Horridly. Damn Steve got a 59/66 on the multiple choice, (which equates to an 89). Mrs. Yay-rah curves grades up to a 95, at the highest. That makes it a 6 point curve, which is hardly needed, so I doubt she will curve it at all. If so (with part II) there's a chance I might get above a whopping 60%! Okay, that's stretching it. A whopping 55%!

I was ready to cry. It's not fair, I really did study. It's hard for me to study, I usually end up falling asleep, review is so boring, but I did review. And it's just not fair. I worked extra hard on this test because I haven't had a test grade above an 80 yet this marking period, and I really needed something in the 80s to lift my grade. I figured I'd be fine with anything above a 73, with curve, it'd put me close enough to an 80 to help my grade. Now, though - all I can think about is how this will make for a lovely C on my report card, among all the As. Life is awful.

I meant to write something a bit happier about biology, too, but after typing all of this and wallowing in its sheer depression, I can't bring myself to write anything else.

I'm going to bed, now - here's hoping I don't hang myself, tonight, out of self pity.

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