�empanada del pud�n!

30 December, 2002 || 6:09 pm

What a good mood I was in, this morning, and how quickly it all went downhill. I was actually in a better mood, a few minutes ago, about to respond to an email, when my idiot mother left her gloves on the chair, for Christsakes, and (surprise, surprise) Arley stole it. I got up from my concentrated decent mood to try to get the damn glove back. Do I get the glove back? No. Do I get bit? Yes. Do I get yelled at for telling the dog I hate him? You betcha. Was I able to finish my email? Hell, no. Am I still in a decent mood? Take a wild guess, jackass.

I hate being like this. I hate dramatic mood swings, and that seems like all I've been having, recently. It's either a run-around-joyously-and-sing kind of a mood, or a fuck-you-I-hate-you-go-away-you-suck kind of a mood. And that just makes me want to cry.

Enough complaining about hormones and typical teenaged such-and-such.

A tip for anyone out there who'd like to see a really good movie: don't go see Drumline. Just.....don't.


You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you
Oh, please don't take my sunshine away...

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