My father...the idiot

10 December, 2002 || 7:51 pm

Time for Emily's magical update of the day.


I didn't think I'd make it through the day, today, I just really didn't think I'd make it. I was dying of the heat in the hallway, this morning, and I almost passed out in math. What an uterly crap day this was. (Excuse me for a second, now, while I cough up some more lung...)


Okay, I'm back. The orchestra and the wind ensemble went to the plaza, today, for a field trip. The Old Mrs. Orchestrateacher was there. (eeeeeeeviiiiiiiiilllllllll.....) Yuckyuckyuck. Words cannot begin to express the sheer contempt I have for our school orchestra. We are the bottom of the low, the scum in a world full of gunk and grime. In simple terms: we suck. Badly. Really, that's all I have to say about it.

I think it's a miracle I survived, today, and also a miracle I got my homework done. Dammit - forgot abou my Model Congress bill....damn damn damn damn. Oh well, I found out today I'm in charge of what we do when for MC-Day, so I can always stick my bill in and call it done. (Why? Because I'm magic like that.)

Why does my father not listen to anything I say? Ever? At all? I said earlier that we saw Old Mrs. Orchestrateacher, and Dad said, "oh, you liked her, didn't you?"

Um...hello?? Did you not hear me complain about what an idiot she was all last year, and how she didn't know what the hell she was doing and how she had absolutely no respect for me, or anyone else who actually knew how to play?! Does that not compute with you?! Don't you get that Lots of bitching from Emily=teacher Emily hates!

Then Mum apologized for not writing me an absence-excuse note to give to Mr. Ogre, and Dad said, "why do you have to give the note to Mr. Ogre?" Um...HE'S MY HOMEROOM TEACHER?!?!!! "Really? In addition to being your health teacher?"

Let me ask a few questions, here...have I not have had the same homeroom teacher for the past two years? And have I not mentioned my homeroom teacher many times over these past two years?


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