and snot continues to pour from my nose...hell, my whole nasel cavity is drowing in snot, right about now...

09 December, 2002 || 9:44 pm

I stayed home sick, today, and let me say that not only do I not feel any better, I think I'm starting to feel worse. However, I had to stop working on my dress, tonight, after I started crying upon realizing that what I was sewing had not been pinned correctly. Mum said she'd get up and finish it, in the morning. I'm exhausted. So so tired, I've got more snot in my nose that gas in Jen's intestines. I didn't finish my bio lab, I didn't start my global project, and I totally forgot about a bill for Model Congress. And I really don't want to go to school, tomorrow. However, I did not suffer through this damn dress all day today to not be in school to wear it, so God Help Me, I'll be there. Even if I am dripping snot and coughing up lung all over the school.

I have a funny story to tell y'all, but I'm too tired, and I keep hitting the wrong computer keys, and I'm just about out of tissues, so I'm going to bed, now. Hopefully I'll be able to function tomorrow. I don't ask to function like a normal human being, I'd just like to make it through the day without going completely mad and drooling, or somesuch thing.


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