First thing I've heard all day that's made any sense, whatsoever...

07 November, 2002 || 5:05 pm

I just found this and agree with it completely. Even if they don't capitalize their I's.

"it's not even that i would necessarily have an abortion if i got pregnant. i might, but who knows? to me, the issue is that i DO NOT want anyone, and certainly not W and his lot of goony christian freakjobs, telling me what is going to happen in my uterus.

get out of my uterus, people!"

And then:

"sometimes when i hear these priests and naive idiot anti-choice zealots talking about saving all these "pre born" children i just want to go out, get pregnant, have an abortion, put it in a jar, and hit them over the heads with it."

That's not the whole thing, though, so I would reccommend clicking on the link, and reading it.

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