Short weekend, shorter afternoon, long rehearsal...

03 November, 2002 || 9:43 pm

And hasn't this just been the shortest weekend. Especially this afternoon. Sigh. Rehearsal, on the other hand, lasted for-blippin'-ever. Every once in a while, when I have to sit through rehearsal, where I have to be sitting up with erect posture, my lower back startes to ache, and then it spreads through the rest of my back. Usually that only happens within the last half hour or so. Rehearsals are from 5:30 to 8:30, and my back was killing me by ten of six. I just took some asprin, and hopefully it'll start to work, soon.

My Mum just told me not to stay uup too late, and I said I won't. Oh, too bad - I still have math for me. I did most of my homework thi morning and was working on math this afternoon. I was hoping to mostly finish it by 2, so I could get to the library on time. A bit before two, my Mother told me that if I "wanted to go anywhere, today, that damn room better be picked up!!" So I stopped the homework, went upstairs, stripped and remade my bed, put laundry away, brought dirty clothes downstairs, and threw various piles of crap into drawers. By that time, it was 2:20. Arg.

Anyway, I should go, now, to finish that bibbin' math homework...I should be up for a while, if anyone's online and reading this tonight, go on AIM and keep me company...

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