There's a someone I'm longing to see, I hope that he turns out to be, Someone to watch over me...

01 November, 2002 || 9:48 pm

This is the first Friday night I've been home at 9:48 in a long time. It feels weird. I'm bored, my mother is bitching and complaining about how we don't love her and how hard we think we have it and how selfish we are, etc., etc., and it's pissing me off. I understand she has cancer, I understand it's stressful, but just because I don't say "OMG YOU HAVE CANCER I'M SO SORRY AND I LOVE YOU" every five minutes, that's no reason to get pissed. And I'm pretty damn sure she let him get into stuff on purpose last night, just so I'd have to spend time with her.

And it's freezing at my house, and I'll be dammed if I have to spend tomorrow night in this house, I need to get out, and my 'rents won't be home tomorrow night which means Emily can go out. Yay for Emily.

*brrrrrrr* and *shiver*

Dammit, can't we keep this house warmer than however fuckin' cold it is???

Oh, just a note to y'all - go see Childhood Memories. Because I said so.


Okay, I'm done, now.

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