My father wove a tapestry of profanity which to this day is still hovering somewhere over Lake Michigan.

28 October, 2002 || 5:55 pm

Almost and hour and a half after my last entry. Did I do homework? No.

I started math, but I'm bored and I just don't want to do it, and I have Global that I have to do, but I don't remember anything, and don't feel like doing it. Dammit, if it weren't for the blippin' Biology test on Thursday, I'd stay home, tomorrow. Because I really feel like I need a day off. An unscheduled day off. I feel like robot-Emily who gets up in the morning, goes to school, comes home, stalls doing homework, eats, showers, goes to bed, and then repeats the whole damn thing.

ARG. I'm stressed. And it's not even my life that's stressing me out. I'm worried about people. Because I want the people I love to be happy, damn them!

Sigh. Just wake me when it's over...

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