Painting a room in a colorful way, and when my mind is wandering, there I will go...

28 October, 2002 || 4:30 pm

Ah, so here it is, four-thirty on a Monday afternoon, and where am I? Sitting in front of the computer with a bowl of frosted flakes. Do I have a shitload of homework to do, tonight? You betcha. Have I even started it, yet? Hell no. It is currently a frigid 66� in my house, I'm wrapped up in an afghan, listening to the Beatles, and trying as hard as humanly possible not to think about homework. Although I should, especially since I left Global at school and am going to need to call someone to get the work. Damn, my hands are cold. And my nose is runny. *brrrrr* and *sniff*

Biology was tres funny today. Mrs. Yay-rah asked which plant has stomata on the top, rather than the bottom, and I said "lily pads" and I was right. Even cooler? She gave me a sticker! With a pumpkin on it! *I'll cherish it forever* (Or until it falls off my shirt in the wash). But then MB was being a total ass, and Mrs. Yay-rah asked him why, in his 15 years of existance, he hasn't been clobbered yet. And then he said something and she said, "oh, yes MB, because we all care what you think. NOT!"

God, it's moments like those that make me love high school.

Sweet Baby Jesus it's cold in here. Da-yam.

Since we watched Moulin Rouge at Hammy's, on Saturday, I've been singing the songs from it nonstop. Okay, that's a lie, I'm singing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, now, but that's only because that's what I'm listening to. Still, Elton John's Your Song coupled with Marilyn Monroe's Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend and Jim Broadbent singing Like a Virgin - it's not exactly what I'd like to be singing for days on end.


Okay, maybe I'll start homework now.

Or maybe not.

It'll get done eventually.

Or maybe not.

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