I wanna be famous, star of the screen, but you can do something in between....

19 October, 2002 || 3:01 pm

I hate math homework. Really. Neither Ben nor Chris are online, now, and neither of them could be readched, by telephone, when Eileen and I tried to call. Which sucks, because we're all going to I's house tonight, from 6:30 to 10:30. And they don't know about it, yet.

Well, okay, stratch that - Ben doesn't know, yet. I just called Chris, again, and left a message with his dad. Chris is out buying a skirt. Er, did I say that? I meant kilt, of course. *cough*

And Ben's phone is busy. Stoopit busy signal. Stoopit AOL.

Anyway, I should really start my homework, as I'm going to have no time to do so, tomorrow, but I don't feel like it, dammit. I took a 3 hour test, today, I do not feel like drawing cumulative histograms or taking notes on cellular respiration.

I've been singing Stamitz all day, which (no all of you except Joy, and maybe Eileen, as I got her humming it on the phone) means absolutely nothing.

And now the cd player on my computer isn't working. Poo.

My dad is totally html-illiterate. He asked me to fix the html for a website of his friend-person, but he doesn't get it that, in order for an image to be viewed, the

<img src=" BLAH BLAH BLAH"> code needs to be up. An image must be loaded someplace so it reads http://whateverwhatever.com/image.gif and then that URL has to be put in the <img src> thingie. ARG! Stoopit stoopit stoopit.

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