Airheads, apples, and alliteration

14 October, 2002 || 12:14 pm

Oh my friggin' Lord - A Dating Story is on tv right now, and there's a CHEERLEADER on it talking about how "people see me and they just, like, see the pretty face, ya know, but, like, I have more to offer than that..." My God. What an airhead.

Speaking of airheads, I was just at Eckerds to buy Chris-chris's birthday card, and I get in the heckout line...I have a card and a Snickers bar in my hand, and there's one checkout line open. the woman in front of me has a full cart of items. She stood there, slowly flipping through the Eckerds pamphlet-thing, casually tearing out coupons, flipping her bleach-blonde hair over her shoulder. Her total came to $73.52!! The woman spent over seventy dollars at Eckerds!! On, like, 8 bottles of Gatorade, two jumo-packs of toilet paper, some mini cereal packs, and potato chips, or some damn thing like that. So, of course, it took forever just to spend my $2.63. Arg.

So now I just ate my Snickers bar, and I want an apple or something, but am too lazy to get up and walk into the other room for one.

And to finish, yes, Margeaux - you are a alliteration is fun. He he he.

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