Weight and Margeaux

12 October, 2002 || 11:13 pm


I just felt I should comment. First off, I'm sorry if something I say makes you depressed. Really, I am. Second, I'm sorry if something I am makes you depressed. I honestly don't know what's with me and the whole weight thing. I do eat. Pleanty. But, you're right, I have been saying things about the weight of other people, in general, and I don't know why I'm saying them or why it matters to me. Do you know the feeling of sitting at the dinner table, and being done eating, but having to sit there and watch your parents shove food in their mouths, and listen to it being chewed and swallowed? It's a disgusting feeling, for me, anyway, and makes me gag to think of it. So really, Z, I don't know what to tell you. I'm sorry. I don't want to depress anyone, or make you feel lower of yourself. I love you all - and I love all of all of you.

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