An entry about Being Fat.

07 October, 2002 || 2:43 pm

I am disgusted, recently, at the gigantic amount of obesity in the world. Okay, scratch that. The gigantic amount of obesity in the United States. The idea of 8-year-old girls having a gut is horrific. The fact that children grow up in a household where the choices for dinner are Pizza Hut, McDonalds, or Burger King makes me want to vomit. I am going to try to eat healthier, partly because I do not feel like exercising more than I do (ie. not at all) as that would require some physical exertion (ie. something I don't want). For example, my mother made brownies yesterday. Just now, I was hungry. I ate an apple. Ha. So there.

Now I do realize, knowing how I am, I will say I'm going to eat healthier, then I'll go to the movies or something and fill up on junk. But still. The idea of nasty-fat people turns my stomach inside out. This isn't nasty-fat, so don't yell at me for using this example - but when my mother was first out of the hospital, I weighed more than 20 pounds more than her. Based on my height, etc., it would be normal for me to weigh 10 or so pounds more than her. However, she eats like crazy, and now weighs over 20 pounds more than I do. Which, I'm sorry - I find disgusting.

Remind me never to get fat.

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