Quiet little entry before the rest of the world (well, the house, anyway) is awake

05 October, 2002 || 8:24 am

Ahh...good morning, sunshine.


Eileen threw up, again, last night...luckily she mentioned she felt sick and I brought a bowl upstairs for her to vomit into, if she needed to. And she did. Several times. Poor Eileen. I feel so bad when she's sick, because there's nothing I can do to help her. I gave her an antacid to help settle her stomach, and made sure there was water by the bed if she wanted something to drink, but other than that, I feel so helpless. I got up about an hour ago, couldn't get back to sleep (dammit - I've gotten used to getting no sleep during the week! Shall I never sleep until 10 again??)and she said she was feeling better, then. That's good.

I'm feeling considerably worse, right now - slightly nauseaus (remind me again not to have kids - not only could I not deal with being pregnant, I couldn't deal with cleaning up someone else's vomit) and bleeding like nobody's business. I'm not really crampy, at all, just bloody, which sucks.

You however, probably don't want to hear about this, so I'll stop on that topic.

You know, when you don't have to worry about being late for school, it's actually nice to be the first one up. Relaxing and calm. No mother nagging me to get off the computer...so father in the other room screaming "fuck me!!" as loud as humanly possible. Just me working online, on Jen's layout, which should be done soon. I promise.

(While I'm thinking of that: Jen - did you want the "Made with a Mac" image on your layout? I don't know how well it will go, but it was made with a Mac...anyway, let me know.)

Well - I'll probably update again before the weekend is out. Eileen'll be here until Sunday afternoon, Ben just left for Rochester about 10 minutes ago, and Hamida is probably at home now, and my heart is so sad for her.

(Must go to the bathroom, then go back upstairs and check on my Eileen...)

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