04 October, 2002 || 11:36 pm

Tonight was fun, for the most part. I made $5. YAHOO. It was fan-bloody-tastic.

And speaking of bloody, DAMN BEING FEMALE!! (I know, how hypocritical - first I bitch about being late, now I bitch about bleeding...(anywone else find it a little strange that we almost all bleed at the same time?))

Anyway, Eileen's sleeping over this weekend, but she's "damn tired" now, which ruins MY plans for tonight...*wink*

I have to decide what I'm going to do to decorate my mouths...I'm thinking a nose ring and red lipstick...(think of all the possibilities...hmmm...)

Okay, this entry isn't making any sense at all, I'll just go now...

Ja-yam tomorrow, ja-yam yeterday, but never-ever ja-yam today! Eileen is my sexy lesbian lober, donchaknow...those pink flannel ducky-print pants are just sooooo hot...

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