Yay for me.

02 October, 2002 || 8:56 pm


I have two new violas. Sitting in my dining room. At this very minute. Yay-rah!! I get to pick one out and keep it forever and ever. And it will be mine. My viola. Yay. It's just so exciting, you know? I'll finally get to stop lugging that damn viola case back and forth with me, every damn day. No more running to catch the bus in 3 minutes, from English to the music wind to my bus. (Of course it has to be the first bus in line...)

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about this. A new viola. Yay. First off, my current viola is le piece of le crap. Not as crappy as Prick-Boy's, to be sure - his instrument would be worth more as firewood - but it's still pretty cruddy. But now I'll have a new instrument. And it will be nice and pretty and just thpecial.

Yay for me.

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