28 September, 2002 || 12:08 am

Ah, so - I just got home. What a lovely evening I had (all evening) with my parents. And, don't get me wrong, I love my parents and everything, but I'm just not in the mood to be spending all evening with them. It was just one of those, "yeah, they had to go to Canada, or something..." type-feelings. Not that I had any reason to lie, just that I definately would have, had it been able to prevent me from going, tonight.

Anybody else find it weird that, when it's light out and I can actually see the keys on the keyboard, I don't need to look at them to see what I'm typing, but now that it's dark and I can't see the keyboard, I keep pressing the wrong keys? I find that strange, although it could just be the lack of sleep talking, here, or that all the blood has rushed to my brain. Why? The blood would be attacking your brain, too, if you had to spend the evening with my parents and grandfather.

Goodnight, my loves, I'll talk to you if I ever wake up. And I do mean ever.

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