I got a good review, for once, dammit!

25 September, 2002 || 4:03 pm

Well, well...here we are..another day in the life of Emily. I got my diary reviewed....98.5...hey, hey....go me!! It was supposed to be a 97, but they liked me, so they boosted up my grade. (As they should, as they didn't give me credit for a guestbook....oh, well).

Another health topic about weight, today: we watched a movie on eating disorders and there was this one woman, 5' 8", who weighted just uder 90 pounds!! That's sickening, I think. Why is weight such a big issue with me? I never used to care about weight, but recently, the idea of gaining or losing excessive amounts of weight makes me sick.

Bleh, not much else to say, bored, tons of bio homework, email me with favorite entries of mine, please!!


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