more bitching from yours truly

09 September, 2002 || 6:27 pm

Ahh, homework being done is a very good feeling. A very good feeling, indeed.

Now, are y'all ready for my newest rant? I'mm pissed off at all the signs around school about September 11. Have you seen them? They all say, in large, preppy block writing "Show your spirit!! Wear red, white, and blue on Wednesday!!" And there are red, silver, and blue stars all around the text. It looks like a friggin' bake sale sign or something. A fundraiser. A fucking celebration.

Eileen and I are going to wear black on Wednesday. And don't you dare say that "oooo, how could you be so unpatriotic??" I'm not being unpatriotic, I'm being respectful. People died. Innocent people who had nothing to do with anything. My mother could have been in that building, she was on a conference call with the WTC when it happened. A conference call with a meeting she decided not to physically go to, that week. I'm sick of people turning September 11 into a blippin' USA Pride Day, rather than what it was. Rather than a day of death.

In other news, we took a quiz-thingie in Bio today to see which learning style we are. There are 4 possible choices: Concrete Sequential, Abstract Sequential, Abstract Random, and Concrete Random. I tied for two learning types, CS and AR. The two completely opposite things. CS deals with facts, physical senses, practical, instinctive, methodical. AR deals with feeling and emotion, inner guidence systems, imagination, metaphors, relationships. The "key words" for CS are "Good" or "Not Bad." Key words for AR are "Super," "Fantastic," and "Marvelous."

What kind of a message does that give me? How can I be two totally opposite things? How will that hep me learn better? I'm just so confused!

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